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  • Dorico Pro v5.0.20 macOS-V.R

    Dorico v5.1.40 macOS

    Team V.R | 01 June 2024 | 633MB

    Composing, arranging — or just writing and printing out music — is made much quicker and more efficient with Dorico. Thanks to its intelligent design, it automatically adjusts the notation as you write. With nearly 1,500 sounds included, arrangements can be played back with exceptional realism and, with no workarounds needed for advanced notation, Dorico produces excellent results much more quickly than has been possible before.

    Viewed 114337 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Crescendo Masters

    Crescendo v10.54 WiN

    Team DVT | 01 October 2024 | 4.9 MB

    ..:: Music Notation Software ::..

    Crescendo Music Notation Software – Music note writing and composing software. A simple and intuitive way to write musical notation, Crescendo allows composers to write, save and print their music compositions on their computer. The wide array of sheet music symbols, time and key signatures, along with a free-form layout, gives a composer optimum control over creating sheet music for their arrangements.

    Viewed 18753 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • SmartScore 64 Professional Edition v11.6.110 WiN

    SmartScore 64 Pro v11.6.110 WiN

    P2P | 07 August 2024 | 630 MB

    SmartScore 64 Pro recognizes scores without any restriction on the number of parts or pages. Notation, lyrics and text recognized with up to 99+% accuracy*. Process choral scores, band arrangements, operas, hymns, musicals, instrumental and solo parts as well as full conductor’s scores. Scan, edit, transpose, extract parts, adjust page margins and reformat layout of practically any printed score. Print or save output to PDF, MusicXML, MP3 audio files all within a few minutes. Your new score will look great and playback will sound rich, nuanced and true-to-life. SmartScore 64 is an indispensable tool for transcribers, arrangers, educators and music ministers. Whether you are using it to export scores to another notation program or using it entirely on its own, there is very little SmartScore 64 can’t do. Download the demo and discover its powers for yourself.

    Viewed 29152 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • NCH Crescendo Music Notation Editor Pro v10.15 macOS-BTCR

    Crescendo Music Notation v10.45 macOS

    P2P | 24 August 2024 | 9.21 MB

    Music Notation Software

    Crescendo Music Notation Software – Music note writing and composing software. A simple and intuitive way to write musical notation, Crescendo allows composers to write, save and print their music compositions on their computer. The wide array of sheet music symbols, time and key signatures, along with a free-form layout, gives a composer optimum control over creating sheet music for their arrangements.

    Viewed 6207 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Finale v27.4.1.110 WiN-P2P
    April 28th, 2024 ⚡

    Finale v27.4.1.110 WiN-P2P

    Finale v27.4.1.110 WiN

    P2P | 15 December 2023 | 295MB

    Finale has always been known as the notation software that can create anything. Today’s Finale automates many tasks, saving you time, while ensuring you retain all of the flexibility Finale is known for. Now you can create the music of your imagination, with no compromises, more quickly than ever before. Take control of your music, your creative process, and your legacy.

    Viewed 11436 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Capella v9.0.9.3 WiN
    June 30th, 2023 ⚡

    Capella V9.0.9.3 Win Magesy

    Capella v9.0.9.3 WiN

    P2P | 30 June 2023 | 117 MB

    With capella you can instantly create complete scores No other notation program will take you by the hand and gently guide you towards your first own score in the manner in which capella does it. There is no need to be fully computer literate – you just follow your musical imagination and capella does the rest. Within no time you will have completed your first score sheet.

    Viewed 1295 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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