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  • Tubular Bells v1.0 VSTi x86 x64 WiN RETAiL
    August 30th, 2017 ⚡
    Categories: VSTi, WiNDOWS, x64, x86


    Tubular Bells v1.0 VSTi WiN RETAiL

    SYNTHiC4TE | August 18 2013 | 155.64 MB

    Tubular Bells, otherwise known as Orchestra Chimes or Orchestra Bells, are a member of the percussion family often used to emulate the sound of church bells. It’s use is broad- everything from “epic orchestral” to concert band music and more. This particular set has been deep-sampled to provide excellent playability and reasonably good sound quality, certainly good enough for any project. There is a very large dynamic range on the instrument, allowing it to ring out above the orchestra as it truly would, or sink behind quietly to just accent the flow of the piece. The chimes’ delays were recorded up to 10 seconds; pressing down the sustain pedal will unleash the full resonance of the chimes.

    Viewed 4122 By Music Producers.

    • reTune v1.2.0 AAX VST WiN x86 x64 CE-V.R
      July 31st, 2017 ⚡
      Categories: AAX, VST, WiNDOWS, x64, x86


      reTune v1.2.0 WiN

      Team V.R | July 31 2017 | 16.1 MB

      AAX VST WiN x86 x64

      reTune gives you full access to the pitch content of your audio samples and enables you to map each input pitch to any other pitch of the chromatic scale – all in realtime. This allows you to re-tune your audio to any target key (e.g. from D major to C# minor), or to use it as a creative tool to modify the pitch content in any way you like. If you are unsure about the key of your input audio, you can let reTune estimate the key for you. In addition, reTune can act as a pitch correction tool that quantizes pitches to the nearest semitone. Additional controls include the sensitivity of the pitch corrections, the treatment of transients as well as a smoothing of the pitch contours.

      Viewed 6372 By Music Producers.

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