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  • YAMAHA Vocaloid3FE VSTi WiN
    December 20th, 2014 ⚡


    YAMAHA Vocaloid3FE VSTi WiN

    AlexVox | 19 December 2014 | 49,4 MB

    Vocaloid 3 launched on October 21, 2011, along with several products in Japanese and a Korean product, the first of its kind. Several studios are providing updates to allow Vocaloid 2 vocal libraries to come over to Vocaloid 3. It will also include the software “Vocalistener”, which adjusts parameters iteratively from a user’s singing to create natural synthesized singing. Unlike previous versions, the vocal libraries and main editing software are sold as two separate items. The vocal libraries themselves only contain a “tiny” version of the Vocaloid 3 editing software. Yamaha will also be granting the licensing of plug-ins and use of the Vocaloid software for additional mediums such as video games. Vocaloid3 v3.1.1.0 released in 04 August 2014 , it’s based on latest software version with adding new features.

    Viewed 3828 By Music Producers.

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    • Beat – Fachmagazin für Musik, Produktion & DJ-ing 01/2015


      Beat – Fachmagazin für Musik, Produktion & DJ-ing 01/2015

      P2P | 19.12.2014 | DVD CONTENT | 7,94 GB

      Das Fachmagazin für Musik, Produktion und DJ-ing: BEAT kombiniert kompetente Hard- und Softwaretests mit engagierten Rezensionen sowie Berichten und Interviews aus Musikerkreisen und dem Musik-Geschäft. Wir berichten über Musikproduktion mit aktuellen Synthesizern und Computern, stellen neue Trends im Bereich Recording vor und liegen mit aktuellen Reportagen stets am Puls der Zeit. Viele am Markt bekannten Fachautoren berichten von den verbreiteten Musikproduktions-Lösungen und erfahrene Redakteure betreuen die Entertainment- und Szene-Themen. Dieses Magazin versteht sich als Plattform für Musiker und beinhaltet eine regelmäßige Demo- und MP3-Rubrik für Leser sowie eine Heft-DVD mit hochwertigen Sample- und Musikdateien für kreative Musiker.

      Viewed 3124 By Music Producers.

      • Oday Audio Releases 16-17 December 2014
        December 17th, 2014 ⚡


        Oday Audio Releases 16-17 December 2014

        R2R/MAGNETRiXX/P2P/AUDiOSTRiKE/DiSCOVER | 16-17 December 2014 | 13.94 GB


        36 Releases  R2R/MAGNETRiXX/P2P/AUDiOSTRiKE/DiSCOVER 16-17 December 2014…

        Viewed 12405 By Music Producers.

        • WVS SoundGrid And Native Applications v9r6 WiN-R2R
          December 14th, 2014 ⚡
          Categories: Audio Software, VST, WiNDOWS


          SoundGrid And Native Applications v9r6 WiN

          TEAM R2R | 2014.12.14 | 150.05 MB

          The SoundGrid Studio System is a real-time processing and networking platform designed to bring your studio up to light speed. It allows your DAW to offload its plugin processing and enables your devices to communicate with one another and with the devices of the people you work with. The SoundGrid Studio system integrates seamlessly with all DAWs and SoundGrid-compatible I/Os, providing endless possibilities for setups of every size—from a single DAW with one SoundGrid I/O, to an entire network of host computers, I/Os, and SoundGrid DSP servers.

          Viewed 4221 By Music Producers.

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          • Studio One Pro v2.6.5 MAC OSX-msj
            December 10th, 2014 ⚡
            Categories: Audio Software, macOS


            Studio One Pro v2.6.5 MAC OSX

            msj | 10.12 2014 | 510 MB

            P2P group has released the updated version of “Studio One Pro” for MacOSX. It is a completely modern environment for music creation, sharing, and collaboration. It’s Internet-savvy and provides a complete solution, from riff to release. Description: Studio One ® is a modern, cross-platform DAW, which is able to run in both 32-bit and 64-bit. Studio One ® has an intuitive interface and easy system of drag-and-drop, which allows you to work faster and more creatively, so making music is more fun. Tasks that take a few steps in most DAW, can be made in one or two quick, easy steps. Professional users and respected commentators agree: 64-bit algorithm Studio One, provides excellent sound.

            Viewed 4267 By Music Producers.

            • Studio One Pro x86 x64 WiN-TVB
              December 10th, 2014 ⚡
              Categories: Audio Software, WiNDOWS


              Studio One Pro 2.6.5 WiN

              Team TVB | x86 x64 | WiN | 121.66 MB

              Studio One is a new music creation and production application for Mac OS X and Windows XP/Vista/7/8  that makes audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio mastering simple right out of the box, yet provides a wealth of professional features. Fresh code, innovative drag-and-drop MIDI mapping and plug-in management, auto-configuration with PreSonus hardware, good audio quality, unlimited tracks and plug-ins per track and a powerful, inventive, Start page that puts the whole project right in your hands are just a few of the compelling features that make Studio One the next generation in audio software, according to PreSonus. Studio One gives you a complete, easy-to-use solution from raw tracks to finished master, while supporting the latest standards and technologies.

              Viewed 10433 By Music Producers.

              • DJ Audio Editor v5.1 WiN
                December 8th, 2014 ⚡


                DJ Audio Editor v5.1 WiN

                P2P | 07.12.2014 | 24.79 MB

                P2P group has released latest version of the application “Program4Pc DJ Audio Editor”. Enjoy! Description: This easy-to-use and well-organized audio editing program will let you explore your favorite songs and sounds in ways which you would never have imagined. You can add or detract hundreds of audio effects to your sound files like Amplify, Add Noise, Delay, Flanger, Chorus, Reverb, Invert, Reverse, Fade In/Out, Vibrato, Compressor, Normalize, Expander, Phaser, Time Stretch and Pitch Shift. You can also put several of these effects together to create your own unique effects and personalize your favorite songs to have a perfect software for editing audio files.

                Viewed 3572 By Music Producers.

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