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  • Ultimate-Sound-Bank-Ultra-Focus-VSTi-x86-WiN-MAC-MaGeSY

    Ultra Focus VSTi WiN MAC

    P2P | xx.xx.2004 | 5.11 GB

    Imagine one instrument where you can find all the synth sounds you love. One instrument with a huge diversity of sound, with simple access to the presets, and great sound shaping tools: Ultra Focus is that instrument. Sounds from all the biggest synthesizers. In the past, a song you made could have included synths sounds from a variety of sources: modules, keyboards, even a good sampler. The Ultra Focus sound design team used every Landmark synth made in the last 30 years to create the most versatile sound palette ever put together in a single instrument. These brand new sounds will remind musicians of old standards, yet offer better programming and a vastly improved sound quality. Forget about learning to use five synths to produce the sounds you need, free yourself of all the extra gear to make them sound good: with Ultra Focus you’ve arrived!

    Viewed 75970 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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