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  • Internet Sound it! v9.01.4 WiN x64-R2R

    Internet Sound it! v9.01.4 WiN

    Team R2R | 05 April 2024 | 87.2MB


    Sound it! 8 Pro is a high resolution sound DXD of DSD 256 (11.28 / 12.28 MHz) for DSD format and 768 KHz / 32 bit (INT) for PCM format Correspondence. Native recording and playback are possible without converting DSD format to PCM format. High-definition DSD decoder / encoder installed. DSD format also converted to PCM format of maximum 768 KHz / 32 bit (INT) and edited with high resolution. Conversion to DSD format can be done again with high sound quality sound.

    Viewed 4577 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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