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  • OhmForce Symptohm Melohman VSTi RTAS v1.23 x86 v1.30 x64-AiR
    September 8th, 2013 ⚡


    OhmForce Symptohm Melohman v1.23 x86 v1.30 x64

    AiR KGN | VSTi RTAS | (v1.23 x86) | v1.30 (x64) | 30 MB

    At a time when every vaguely creative synth seems to have been designed with only the mathematically gifted in mind, Symptohm: Melohman is here to remind the world that great music comes not from cold calculation but from passion. Unlike other synths, bound to rigid curves and predetermined behaviour, Symptohm responds to your touch, enabling you to control every aspect of the sound you create in a most natural, intuitive and musical way. More sonic control than you ever thought possible is now, quite literally, at your fingertips. Symptohm: Melohman offers a palate like you have never encountered before, giving you the scope to create your own unique sound. From spectacular pads to heavy bass, unreal drumkits and strange ambient textures, your playing style will define your sound. This unique and powerful new form of synthesis features ultra flexible routing, FX support from the acclaimed Quad Frohmage filter bank, and an innovative matrix, which can be controlled via midi. Use the Melohman as an outrageously powerful modulation controller, or let it adapt itself to your playing style. Either way, you won’t be able to keep your hands off it.

    Viewed 15198 By Music Producers.

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