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  • Golden Ears Audio Eartraining TUTORiAL
    April 8th, 2019 ⚡
    Categories: CDDA, TUTORiALS


    Golden Ears Audio Eartraining TUTORiAL

    P2P | 26.02.2015 | 2.65 GB

    An audio ear-training course for recording engineers, producers and musicians. Moulton started doing such training as an educational exercise for students back in 1969, and has since used it everywhere. In 1992, KIQ Productions asked Moulton to make it commercially available, and the rest is history. I’m personally very proud of these drills, and pleasantly surprised and honored by how widely they’ve been adopted and put into use around the world. Many private individuals, studios, broadcasting organizations, colleges and universities have all adopted Golden Ears. I know of nothing else like them, except for a couple of very specialized and highly developed in-house computer programs for ear-training. Certainly nothing else that is commercially available. If you want to improve your audio hearing acuity and knowledge, these are a great tool!

    Viewed 3581 By Music Producers.

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