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    October 9th, 2015 ⚡


    RnB Triple Pack WAV MiDi REX FLP

    AUDIOSTRiKE | 05/10/2015 | 477 MB

    ‘RnB Triple Pack’ is an RnB producer’s dream, bringing you a collection of high quality RnB sounds. Many producers and production companies attempt to recreate RnB but this is the real thing. These 15 Construction Kits give you enough RnB to last a lifetime. As well as 24-Bit WAV files you also get MIDI loops. With MIDI files for both drums and instrumentation included, you can import and interchange sounds and keys. You can make adjustments to some of the instrumentation to fit your productions. These Construction Kits give you everything you need to bring the blazing sound and feel of Trey Songz and other masters of RnB to your productions. All sounds and samples included within this pack are Royalty-Free for you to use in a commercial production or even for DJ/remix purposes. You can use the samples within this product in as many ways as you desire.

    Viewed 3564 By Music Producers.

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