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  • Nasty Channel v1.0.2 VST3 x64 WiN-MOCHA-MaGeSY

    Nasty Channel v1.0.2 WiN

    MOCHA | 24 May 2024 | 17.4 MB

    Additive distortion circuit made with sound from the dirtiest machines available. This channel strip lets you easily add grit, saturation, compression, and distortion to your tracks. A barclay crenshaw creation. Dial in a noise layer to add some extra crunch, grit, or shimmer to your bass, drum, and synth tracks. It serves as both a helpful mixing utility and a powerful creative effect. Add some secret sauce to individual tracks, buses, or the master channel.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/zVFC6
    Nasty Channel v1.0.2 VST3 x64 WiN-MOCHA
    ♪ Download ♪


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