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  • Studio One 5: MiDi Recording and Editing TUTORiAL
    September 6th, 2021 ⚡
    Categories: TUTORiALS

    Studio One 5 MiDi Recording and Editing TUTORiAL

    SO5: MiDi Recording & Editing

    FANTASTiC | 10 October 2020 | 416 MB

    Studio One 5 is packed with powerful MIDI features and then some! Watch this in-depth course, by Studio One expert and master them all. Since its introduction, more than 10 years ago, Studio One has become a very mature DAW with powerful MIDI features. In this 27-tutorial course, trainer and producer Joshua Carney covers all the MIDI tools, techniques and workflows you need to know to create music with Studio One 5. Joshua starts the course by covering MIDI setup, creating a new song and how to best deal with audio latency. He then dives deep into MIDI recording and editing. You learn about autopunch and quantization techniques, you discover all the different MIDI editors, and you learn about Studio One’s powerful MIDI actions. Step-by-step, Joshua shows you how to master every Studio One’s MIDI feature, and how to speed up your workflow with the most important key commands. Next up is an overview of Note FX, those real-time MIDI processors that can open up lots of creative possibilities. You also learn advanced MIDI techniques, such as building complex multi-instruments, working with macros, and more. Joshua ends the course by looking at the brand new Score Editor, which merges the best features of PreSonus Notion into Studio One 5.

    Viewed 10057 By Music Producers.

    • Studio One 5: Recording and Editing Audio TUTORiAL
      July 6th, 2021 ⚡
      Categories: TUTORiALS

      Studio One 5 Recording and Editing Audio TUTORiAL

      SO5 Recording & Editing Audio

      FANTASTiC | 17 October 2020 | 579 MB

      Want to master the powerful audio recording and editing features available in Studio One 5? Join trainer and producer in this course, and get recording in no time! From recording instruments to tuning and editing vocals, Studio One 5 has all the tools and features you need to get great audio recordings. In this in-depth course, audio engineer reveals everything you need to know to become a pro at recording and editing audio in Studio One 5. Explaining how to create and set up a new song from scratch. You learn about sample rate, resolution, block size, latency and other important settings and concepts. You then discover various ways to import audio and loops, and make everything conform to your song’s tempo. With a basic rhythm track in place, Joshua demonstrates how to record a song by adding and overdubbing different instruments: acoustic & electric guitars, bass, vocals and multi-tracked acoustic drums. You learn every audio features in Studio One 5, including the editing tools, punching, comping, and tuning features, quantizing audio, adding effects, exporting, and more…

      Viewed 7117 By Music Producers.

      • Quick Start Guide Studio One 5 TUTORiAL
        June 11th, 2021 ⚡
        Categories: TUTORiALS

        Quick Start Guide Studio One 5 TUTORiAL

        Quick Start Guide Studio One 5

        FANTASTiC | 16 September 2020 | 528 MB

        Studio One 5 for Mac and PC is one of the most powerful and innovative DAW around! Discover its main features and start making music now, in this course with trainer and producer Joshua Carney. PreSonus Studio One 5 gives you everything you need to record, mix, master and even perform your music within a single app. Whether you’re discovering this amazing DAW or you’re just looking to refresh your skills, this 22-tutorial course will teach you everything you need to get the most out Studio One 5 quickly and easily. First, you learn how to install Studio One, configure your audio and MIDI devices and create your first project. You learn to record and edit your MIDI performance and you discover all the different MIDI tools at your disposal. You also get a tour of the new Score Editor introduced in Studio One 5, an invaluable feature for composers and musicians who need traditional music notation. Next, Joshua dives deep into audio recording and editing. You discover how to record and edit vocals and how to tune them with the integrated Melodyne Essentials. After demonstrating how to get great sounding guitars (thanks to the built-in Ampire amp simulator plugin), and sharing some useful arranging and mixing tips, Joshua explains how to export your completed project and share it with the world.

        Viewed 6361 By Music Producers.

        • Mixing and Mastering: Studio One 5 TUTORiAL
          May 23rd, 2021 ⚡
          Categories: TUTORiALS

          Mixing and Mastering Studio One 5 TUTORiAL

          Mixing & Mastering: Studio One 5

          FANTASTiC | 17 November 2020 | 997 MB

          Studio One 5 offers everything you need to mix and master any music project. Learn the fundamentals of mixing and mastering in this 30-tutorial course by trainer and audio engineer! Mixing and mastering a complete music project from scratch may seem like a daunting task, but thankfully this course by trainer and producer Joshua Carney is here to help! From setting levels and applying effects to finalizing your project and exporting it, this course will teach you everything you need to mix and master with confidence. Joshua starts by explaining how to import the audio and organize the project. He shows you how to do a rough mix using the very flexible mixer and the various metering tools included in Studio One. After explaining the differences between grouping, busses and VCA channels, Joshua jumps right into using the FX plugins. This is where you learn to use the Pro EQ2, the Compressor, the Fat Channel XT, delay, reverb, etc. There’s no better way to learn to mix than seeing and hearing these plugins in action… That’s why Joshua demonstrates them on acoustic drums, guitar, bass, synth and vocals. After applying automation and finalizing the mix, Joshua reveals how you can master your music in the Project Page, a feature very unique to Studio One.

          Viewed 5338 By Music Producers.

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