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  • Spatifier v1.10 AAX VST2 VST3 x86 x64 WiN-TCD
    May 21st, 2023 ⚡
    Categories: News

    Voxengo Spatifier

    Spatifier v1.10 WiN

    TEAM TCD | 21 May 2023 | 6 MB

    x64: VST3, VST2, AAX | x86: VST2

    Spatifier is a “mono to stereo” spatial enhancer AU and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. This plugin can be effectively used to turn mono tracks into spatially-enhanced stereo tracks: it works great for clean and distorted guitars, synth instruments, piano, organ, back vocals and other sounds. Beside that Spatifier can be used to “densify” the sound of reverb sends, and to add “body” to thin and flat sounds. Spatifier decorrelates the signal in the left and right channels while retaining the “mono compatibility”. Such decorrelation creates the “as wide as possible” surround effect. This effect can be usually used in place of double-tracking technique. The spatial impression can be adjusted in the range from the “in your face” direct to a distant reverby sound.

    Viewed 10820 By Music Producers.

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