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  • Music Theory For Beat Makers TUTORiAL-COMPRiSED
    September 15th, 2015 ⚡
    Categories: TUTORiALS


    Music Theory For Beat Makers: Unlock Your Musical Potential TUTORiAL

    TEAM COMPRISED | 2015.09.15 | 265,29 MB

    Learn a skill that producers like Dr. Dre, Rodney Jenkins, Brian Michael Cox, and even Timbaland know to make beats! Most beat makers and music producers have God given talent but lack understanding of the technical aspects of music production, such as music theory. Wouldn’t you like to know how to play piano chords, scales, and progressions so your beats sound more professional? Trust me this skill will separate your tracks from the competition. This course is designed to teach you all the basic elements of music theory and playing the piano but solely for the purpose of improving your beats. And that my friend is the difference! Instead of paying a piano teacher that is completely disconnected from your world of music production, learn this skill from someone who actually produces music. Makes sense right.

    Viewed 4435 By Music Producers.

    • Music Theory Using the Ableton Push TUTORiAL
      June 22nd, 2015 ⚡
      Categories: TUTORiALS


      Music Theory Using the Ableton Push TUTORiAL

      P2P | 21-06-2015 | 458 MB

      Traditionally, music theory is taught with a piano as the main tool to learn the concepts. In this class, we take music theory concepts and apply them to the the Ableton Push controller. Using the Push, we can find the patterns for chords, harmony, and intervals that will get you producing, songwriting, or composing with the Ableton Push. It is recommended students have already taken Music Theory for Electronic Musicians I and Music Theory for Electronic Musicians II: Minor Keys and More

      Viewed 2494 By Music Producers.

      • Fundamentals of Music Theory TUTORiAL
        March 30th, 2015 ⚡
        Categories: TUTORiALS


        Fundamentals of Music Theory TUTORiAL

        P2P | 30 MARCH 2015 | 1.33 GB

        The University of Edinburgh

        This course will introduce students to the theory of music, providing them with the skills needed to read and write Western music notation, as well as to understand, analyse, and listen informedly. It will cover material such as pitches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter, phrases and cadences, and basic harmony.

        Viewed 2849 By Music Producers.

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