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  • Mimic Explained® TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC
    October 10th, 2021 ⚡
    Categories: TUTORiALS


    Mimic Explained® TUTORiAL

    FANTASTiC | 10 October 2021 | 259 MB

    Studio expert presents a comprehensive set of Mimic video tutorials! Mimic is Reason’s latest sampler, and it’s filled to the brim with lots of powerful features and tools. This video course will quickly get you up to speed on this sampler and have you designing your own unique, expressive sounds in no time. Thomas begins with the basics, getting you familiar with the sampler’s layout and features, before covering the more specific and advanced features of the software, including using Reason’s Pulverizer, RV7000, The Echo, and MClass EQ to enhance Mimic’s sound. These videos are for beginning Mimic users. Thomas welcomes you and begins with a basic overview of Mimic’s layout and feature set. He then moves on to demonstrating how audio can be loaded in the Sampler Editor Window and can be processed via the various time-stretching and pitch adjustment algorithms for different effects. Next, he moves on to the device modes, including Pitch and Slide modes along with Multi Slot and Multi Pitch modes.

    Viewed 2380 By Music Producers.

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