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  • Sounds To Sample Mightyfools: Bassline & Electro WAV-AudioP2P Magesy

    Mightyfools: Bassline & Electro

    Team AudioP2P | 14 November 2009 | 98.91 MB

    Over 220MB of funky, freaky and furious fidget, bassline and electro-house from Dutch masters Mightyfools – all presented in pristine 24-bit quality. Combining elements of nu-rave, electro and house, fidget has stormed dancefloors worldwide over the past year. Instrumental in the rise of the scene are Amsterdam’s Mightyfools. Featuring banging bass loops, deep and dirty drum loops, sizzling synths and an extensive arsenal of drum hits, combis and FX to boot, all sounds are Acidized and recorded at an industry standard 128bpm. 250+ sounds in total. Designed with pure dancefloor devastation in mind, it won’t be long before this release is earmarked as a future classic.

    Viewed 9770 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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