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  • DaZuul v1.0 VST x64 WiN RETAiL-SYNTHiC4TE
    June 8th, 2020 ⚡
    Categories: VST, WiNDOWS, x64

    DaZuul v1.0 VST x64 WiN RETAiL-SYNTHiC4TE

    DaZuul v1.0 VST x64 WiN

    SYNTHiC4TE | June 08 2020 | 19 MB

    De-Esser Plugin

    DaZuul is simple, but powerful. Usually just throwing it onto track fixes the problems with sibilants. Even while removing even strongest of Es’s, the vocal clarity stays intact. While essentially a De-Esser plugin, Dazuul retains the natural sound, not just harshly compressing the content, but actually filtering it to retain as much of the original signal as possible to keep it more natural and smooth.

    Viewed 4607 By Music Producers.

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