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  • White Crow v1.0.1 VSTi WiN COOKiE-peace-out
    June 19th, 2015 ⚡
    Categories: VSTi, WiNDOWS


    White Crow v1.0.1 VSTi WiN

    TEAM peace-out | 03.14.2009 | 6.39 MB

    White Crow is a phase distortion synthesizer.

    White Crow offers 8 basic waveforms: saw, square, pulse, double-sine, saw-pulse, reso1, reso2 and reso3. A second set of (identical) waveforms can be added to create new unusual waveforms. Each of the two PD oscillators is made of 5 sub-oscillators that can be detuned for the creation of fat rich sounds. The phase distortion amount of each oscillator can be modulated by 2 ADSR envelopes, an LFO, and velocity. This will affect the sound timbre over time instead of the regular filter modulations. A lowpass filter can also be used as an additional sound shaping tool.

    Viewed 4086 By Music Producers.

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