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  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System v4.2 Rev 002 WiN-CRD
    September 17th, 2023 ⚡
    Categories: Audio Software, WiNDOWS

    Aams Auto Audio Mastering System V4.2 Rev 002 Win Crd Magesy

    AAMS v4.2 Rev 2 WiN

    P2P | 17 September 2023 | 74.7 MB

    As a musician or technician working on music sound material, you need the best sound possible when material is released towards the public. How do you know when audio material is equalized, compressed and maximised correctly and plays as loud and evenly on all audio-systems when its has been mastered? To master a mix in general takes a lot of time and this procedure is mostly done after the mix is finished off and polished enough to go trough the mastering process. To make a master that sounds equal on all speaker systems and also sounds like a real professional commercial recording is a difficult and time consuming task. This is where AAMS steps in and takes control!

    Viewed 23382 By Music Producers.

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