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    Next Steps With KONTAKT TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | May 13 2016 | 919 MB

    Take sampling to the next level with an intermediate look at Kontakt 5 If you know the fundamentals of working with Kontakt and you’re eager to learn how to chop, slice and grind your samples into sonic perfection – this course is for you. This intermediate level course covers such topics as Sample Manipulation, using the Wave and Mapping Editors, Beat Slicing and working with zone and group FX and automation. Next Steps with Kontakt is a follow up to Getting Started with Kontakt, and takes you from just knowing what things do, to understanding exactly how to use them. In Next Steps With Kontakt you will learn how to access Kontakt’s features and functions to create and manipulate inspiring samples.

    The course starts with a refresher of the Kontakt interface, browser and quickload functions demonstrating how a little bit of preparation can improve the way you work.

    As you progress, you’ll pick up the essentials of sample pitch manipulation; automapping samples and changing keyranges. You’ll learn effective methods for sample looping and beat slicing using the wave editor as well as how to work on group FX & modulation.

    If you want to learn expert techniques for working with samples and develop your Kontakt skills, then you’re going to want to check this out.

    INFO/DEMO: http://goo.gl/x5P950


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