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    Urban Warfare Hard and Heavy Stylez WAV AiFF

    P2P | 09.10.2014  | 108 MB

    URBAN WARFARE, “Hard N Heavy Stylez” is a complete solution for those producers who are looking for a raw, pumping, teeth shattering sound library. It is an entire hard n’ heavy concept meant to shake the foundations of Hip Hop. This totally urban soundscape is jammed with over 700 hardcore drum hits, instruments and FX that are sure to light your samplers on fire. URBAN WARFARE comes complete with skull-break in’ kicks, gritty snares and slick hi-hats. All the drums on this concept were edited and tweaked to give them a ruff and heavy flavor. Also we’ve included conga’s, claps, tambourine’s, synchs, sub-bass, electro percussion and shakers. From hard hittin’ horns, chillin rhodes, nasty piano, and deepest sax to raw strings, ruff bass and dirty electric guitar, HHT delivers. To cap it all off we also included authentic scratching, street fx and vocal stabs. Each sample has been edited and mastered in our labs to give it the shape and sound that reflects sounds from the street. If you are looking for a sample library that screams “Hard N Heavy”, you’ve come to the right place.

    Urban Warfare Hard and Heavy Stylez WAV AiFF


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