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  • WOV v1.7.3 WiN MAC RETAiL-OHSiE
    October 23rd, 2023 ⚡
    Categories: AAX, AU, macOS, VST, VST3, WiNDOWS, x64, x64

    Wov V1.7.3 Win Mac Retail Ohsie Magesy

    WOV v1.7.3 WiN MAC

    OHSiE | 27 May 2023 | 46.16 MB

    WOV is an effect for making a wide range of textures out of your sounds – from familiar tremolo waves to glitchy stutters and everything in between, WOV takes shows just how far traditional effects can be pushed. It’s easy to set up a static rate for WOV and leave things at that – but WOV has much more to offer! To the right of the Rate control, the bipolar Response knob sets the sensitivity with which WOV’s rate will either slow down or speed up depending on the volume of the incoming signal. The bipolar Variation control further introduces randomized amounts of variation to the rate – at its extremes going as far half the rate (knob to the far left) or twice the rate (knob to the far right). Lastly, the eight-step Sequencer uses a multislider to set the relative accent value for each beat of the rate. The slider adjusts between two and eight steps in length, and the R+1 button offsets the accents going to the right channel one step over from the left (note that this requires Stereo to be enabled).

    Viewed 31342 By Music Producers.

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