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  • Momentum Pads AU VSTi x86 x64 WiN MAC
    February 5th, 2018 ⚡
    Categories: AU, macOS, VSTi, WiNDOWS, x64, x86


    Momentum Pads WiN MAC

    FANTASTiC | Feb 02 2018 | WiN x86: 1.55 GB | WiN x64: 1.55 GB

    MAC/VSTi: 1.55 GB | MAC/AU: 1.55 GB

    “Momentum Pad Station” which contains 51 pads for the modern music maker. With styles ranging from ambient to erie, all the way to majestic and sharp pads. We are confident you all will love this tool, and load it up time and time again.

    Viewed 4096 By Music Producers.

    • MaTouQin v1.2 VSTi x86 WiN-ASSiGN
      February 2nd, 2018 ⚡
      Categories: Kong Audio, VSTi, WiNDOWS, x86

      MaTouQin v1.2 VSTi x86 WiN-ASSiGN

      MaTouQin v1.2 VSTi x86 WiN

      Team: ASSiGN | 05 APRiL 2010 | 371 MB

      The Mongolian Vibe from the Steppes MaTouQin (horse-headed fiddle, aka morin khuur), as one of the precious legacies of the Mongolian people, has been heartily embraced by Chinese musicians today as a vital musical element. Its unique sound character complements other classical Chinese instruments in a way like no others. MaTouQin is believed to be originated from the nomadic people during the Tang Dynasty (7th – 10th centuries), and became widely known circa Genghis Khan’s reign. Nowadays, like many other Mongolian legacies, Matouqin has become a valuable part of Chinese culture. Besides the horse-headed pegbox, MaTouQin is very recognizable for its unusual playing techniques and styles. Our production approached MaTouQin in pursuit of the indigenous flavour instead of the more Westernized style, and by delivering that flavour, all the composers and musicians now have a chance to explore and express in the most authentic and original Mongolian flavour easily.

      Viewed 5499 By Music Producers.

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