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  • Sinevibes Whirl v2 v2.1.0 AAX VST3 x64 WiN-TCD
    October 16th, 2023 ⚡
    Categories: AAX, VST3, WiNDOWS, x64

    Sinevibes Whirl V2 V2.1.0 Aax Vst3 X64 Win Tcd Magesy

    Whirl v2 v2.1.0 WiN

    TCD | 02 June 2023 | 2 MB

    Whirl is a barber-pole phaser effect plugin. It is based on a Bode frequency shifter model with a feedback line, an algorithm which creates unique spectrum peaks and notches that move upwards or downwards in a seemingly endless fashion – with one spectrum sweep smoothly morphing into the next one, like an audible illusion. Whirl features up to three fully synchronized barber-pole phaser stages: this allows you to control how gentle or dramatic the effect is. At its most extreme settings, Whirl is capable of deeply resonant filtering: it almost individually suppresses and accentuates different frequency harmonics. By design, the spectrum sweep frequency is bipolar – and can go from downwards to upwards motion and back completely seamlessly.

    Viewed 21875 By Music Producers.

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