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  • Utatane Piko V2 For VOCALOiD5 WiN MAC
    August 9th, 2018 ⚡
    Categories: macOS, Presets, VOCALOiD, WiNDOWS


    Utatane Piko V2 For VOCALOiD5

    P2P | 08.08.2018 | 590.19 MB

    Utatane Piko (歌手音ピコ) / CodenamePIKO (開発コードPIKO) is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Ki/oon Music Inc. (formerly Ki/oon Records Inc.), under Sony Music Entertainment Japan, and was released in December 2010 for the VOCALOID2 engine. His voice is provided by the Japanese male singer, PIKO. His release and development occurred in conjunction with the release of PIKO’s second single “勿忘草”.

    Viewed 8156 By Music Producers.

    • Big Al V2 For VOCALOiD5 WiN MAC
      August 9th, 2018 ⚡
      Categories: macOS, Presets, VOCALOiD, WiNDOWS


      Big Al V2 For VOCALOiD5 WiN MAC

      P2P | 08.08.2018 | 2.78 GB

      BIG AL is an English VOCALOID developed and distributed by PowerFX Systems AB., and was released in December 2009 for the VOCALOID2 engine. His announcement was on January 21, 2007 and his provider during that time was Michael King. After another period of development, his voice bank was redone by voice actor Frank S., whose last name cannot be revealed due to privacy reasons. BIG AL’s believed original codename is “Ronie” due to sightings of it alongside “Jodie”, Sweet ANN’s codename.

      Viewed 6598 By Music Producers.

      • Sonika V2 For VOCALOiD5 WiN MAC
        August 9th, 2018 ⚡
        Categories: macOS, Presets, VOCALOiD, WiNDOWS


        Sonika V2 For VOCALOiD5 WiN MAC

        P2P | 08.08.2018 | 1.77 GB

        SONiKA is an English VOCALOID developed and distributed by ZG Limited, and was released in July 2009 for the VOCALOID2 engine. SONiKA is advertised as a “virtual vocalist modeled on the voice of a young girl pop singer”; her voice provider has never been revealed. She is the first native English speaking VOCALOID to use a character design and profile as part of the product. SONiKA was released with profile/biographical information on the back cover of the software package, similar to the other VOCALOID2 products. Her personality also shows in her “tweets”.

        Viewed 11390 By Music Producers.

        • VOCALOiD Prima V2 For VOCALOiD5 WiN MAC
          August 9th, 2018 ⚡
          Categories: macOS, Presets, VOCALOiD, WiNDOWS


          VOCALOiD Prima V2 WiN MAC

          P2P | 08.08.2018 | 2.22 GB

          Virtual Female Soprano singer

          Prima is an English VOCALOID developed and distributed by ZG Limited, and was released in January 2008 for the VOCALOID2 engine. Prima is advertised as a “virtual vocalist modeled on the voice of a professional soprano opera singer”; her voice provider has never been revealed. The name “Prima” comes from the term “Prima Donna,” meaning “first lady.” It is an Italian term used to describe the female with the leading role in a theatrical and opera production. It also refers to the one with the most talent, who was usually a soprano singer.

          Viewed 9638 By Music Producers.

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