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  • Tone Rion V4 for Vocaloid4FE
    February 23rd, 2017 ⚡


    Tone Rion V4 for Vocaloid4FE

    AlexVox | 23 February 2017 | 278 MB

    Tone Rion (兎眠りおん) is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed the YAMAHA Corporation, and was created in collaboration with Dear Stage (Moe Japan, Co. Ltd.). She was released in December 2011 for the VOCALOID3 engine. In December 2016, Rion’s voice provider was confirmed to be Dempagumi.inc’s Nemu Yumemi. Rion was updated to the VOCALOID4 engine in February 2017.

    Viewed 6532 By Music Producers.

    • Crysonic Spectralive NXT V4 v4.0 VST WiN x86-ASSiGN
      January 21st, 2017 ⚡
      Categories: CrySonic, VST, WiNDOWS, x86


      Spectralive NXT V4 v4.0 VST WiN x86

      TEAM ASSiGN | 4.4.2012 | 16.4 MB

      Spectralive NXT V4 is MAGICAL with Mono sources with exceptional and unrivaled results ! Convert any Mono audio source such as guitars, vocals, bass to stereo with a combination of three choices (MTS1, MTS2, ATMOSPHERICS) in any combination or all at once before applying the Spectralive effect! The all new ATMOSPHERICS section can be used as an additional enhancement process which can be applied to either stereo or mono signals on top of the Spectralive effect to further impart balance, clarity, definition and stereo coherence.

      Viewed 5862 By Music Producers.

      • Tohoku Zunko V4 for Vocaloid4FE
        October 16th, 2016 ⚡


        Tohoku Zunko V4 for Vocaloid4FE

        AlexVox | 15 October 2016 | 224 MB

        Tohoku Zunko (東北ずん子) is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by AH-Software Co. Ltd., and was created in collaboration with SSS Co., Ltd.. An update to the VOCALOID4 engine was confirmed in September 2016. Her voice is provided by the Japanese female voice actress, singer, and narrator, Satomi Satō (佐藤聡美; Satō Satomi), who is known for her role as Ritsu Tainaka from the Japanese music anime “K-ON!”

        Viewed 11685 By Music Producers.

        • Unity V4 for Vocaloid4FE
          August 31st, 2016 ⚡


          Unity V4 for Vocaloid4FE

          AlexVox | 31 August 2016 | 210 MB

          Otori Kohaku was an existing 3D model and animation character, Unity-chan, before her VOCALOID announcement, with her original debut in December 2013. She was created as a mascot for Unity, a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies,- for the Japanese division. She grew quite popular with gamers and interactive application writers, as assets for her character were available as a free download. This led to her appearing in a variety of developers’ projects.

          Viewed 9270 By Music Producers.

          • Gackpoid v4 for Vocaloid4FE
            April 29th, 2015 ⚡


            Gackpoid v4 for Vocaloid4FE

            AlexVox | 29 April 2015 | 964 MB

            INTERNET Co. wanted to utilize the voice of a singer for the creation of a VOCALOID but felt it would be difficult to get a singer to agree. They consulted Dwango Co.,Ltd. who managed Nico Nico Douga, and Dwango suggested Gackt (神威 楽斗 Camui Gackt, now known as GACKT), a singer and actor, as he had previously provided his voice for Dwango’s cell phone services.He lent his voice and named the VOCALOID Gackpoid. On December 1st, 2014, when asked about VOCALOID4 updates, Noboru responded that they wished to update all of their VOCALOID3s to the new engine but had no specific schedule at the time. On March 31st, 2015, Gackpo was announced to have a VOCALOID4 update. This update contains his 3 voicebanks from the VOCALOID3 engine, but with added growl samples. It was confirmed that he would be released on April 30th, 2015.

            Viewed 3599 By Music Producers.

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