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  • Rain And Thunder WAV
    July 14th, 2014 ⚡
    Categories: Audio Samples


    Rain And Thunder WAV

    FREE | 13/07/2014 | 520 MB

    Rain And Thunder is a free sound library featuring 64 high quality audio samples which were recorded during a spring storm on the streets of Belgrade. The sounds were recorded in 24-bit depth using a portable Edirol R-09 stereo field recorder. This free sample collection contains all the sound effects you may need in order to evoke the atmosphere of a rainy day in a large city. You can hear the cars passing by on some of the recordings, tires splashing through puddles and people walking around in a hurry. The rest of the audio content was recorded in quieter parts of the city, far from the busy downtown. I’ve also recorded the beautiful sound of raindrops falling on an umbrella, it almost sounds like vinyl noise. There are also around twenty recordings of distant thunder rumble. These can be mixed with clean recordings of rain, if you need background noise for a movie or an audio project. The coolest part of this sound library though are the samples of seven thunders which struck very close, even too close if you ask me. Those are the most valuable samples in the pack, because recording a storm from such close distance is indeed a very rare opportunity.

    Viewed 4656 By Music Producers.

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    • Thunder KONTAKT
      October 31st, 2013 ⚡
      Categories: Audio Samples


      Thunder KONTAKT

      DISCOVER | 29 OCTOBER 2013 | 1 GB

      ‘Thunder’ is a Kontakt-based sample library, capturing the dry and punchy sound of eight percussionists playing on a wide assortment of large, Cinematic percussion. Eight of Bulgaria’s finest percussionists, musicians from the Sofia Session Orchestra were recorded in a small, dry and punchy room with two mic positions (close and room) built into an intuitive mic mixer. The result is one of the finest percussion collections.

      Viewed 5081 By Music Producers.

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