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  • Metal Contact WAV
    January 21st, 2019 ⚡
    Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


    Metal Contact WAV

    P2P | 21.01.2019 | 3.17 GB

    Metal Contact sound library features the recordings of various metal surfaces tortured with different tools. From touching things with fingers, through hitting with metal bars and up to using blender or magnets to cause the materials to resonate. It’s 136 files with total length of 230 minuts. 4.16 GB of audio recorded in 96kHz and 24bits recorded with Sound Devices 702 and two Schaller Oyster contact microphones. While recording this library my goal was to cover different needs, not only for sound designers but also editors. Scrapes and squeaks were recorded with different intensity and speeds, just like the impacts. From soft and quiet, through medium up to loud and reverberant ones. In addition to the regular approach of just touching, hitting and scraping metal parts, I’ve decided to record few experimental sound effects. Listening to the tons of water flowing through the dam by sticking the microphones to the buildings wall? You got it. Messing with guitar strings using blender and magnets? It’s here. Throwing coins and different metal parts inside cast iron cooking dish? No problem! This sound library includes recordings of different lids, cast iron dishes, metal pots, baking forms and sheets, bullet catcher, different boxes, cooking oven, sinks, fan, pans, different jugs, electric guitar, buckets, washing machine, metal parts, old doors and walls, road sign, handrails, cages and more.

    Viewed 2278 By Music Producers.

    • Roaring Stags WAV
      January 21st, 2019 ⚡
      Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


      Roaring Stags WAV

      P2P | 21.01.2019 | 1.42 GB

      After successful recording session with wild cranes, I’ve decided to hunt for wild stags. Recording them was not as simple as I thought it would be. This library contains 45 files recorded with Sound Devices 702, two Oktavas MK012 set in XY pattern, and Rode NTG3. All files sounds different, because I was recording everything in the middle of the forest during different times of the day. Recording wild animals is not something you can plan, and I had to record whatever I could, no matter what was happening around. About 90% of the files were deleted, and this 65 minutes of audio is 10% I got left with. In this sound library you’ll find reverberant sounds and ones that has less of the reverb. The distance between me and stags was changing, and that’s the reason of different amount of reverb. Also the animals were constantly moving, and sometimes they turned in completely opposite direction, so roars sounded more distant. Sometimes between roars you’ll hear subtle sounds of me moving close to microphones. I left those sounds so anyone can make cuts in desired places, but those subtle sounds happens very rarely. This library will be updated in the future with additional files recorded in different stereo techniques.

      Viewed 2002 By Music Producers.

      • Swipes and Whooshes WAV
        January 21st, 2019 ⚡
        Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


        Swipes & Whooshes WAV

        P2P | 21.01.2019 | 749 MB

        Swipes & Whooshes sound library is a collection of different air-cutting sounds emitted by everyday objects flying with a high speed. It can be a great and handy tool in designing more complex sound effects for games, like weapons sound effects or game user interface. Everything was recorded with high quality equipment, able to capture frequencies well above 20kHz, so it’s a very flexible material when it comes to stretching or pitch shifting. 66 stereo ORTF files features 1841 sound effects, cause each recording contains different variations of the same activity. The total length of the files is 35 minutes, and you can read more about included sounds here. As for the post processing, everything was edited and mastered. Editing came down to removing unwanted sounds between takes, and mastering to removing harsh sounding frequencies, compressing and setting everything on level that is comfortable to work with, so you don’t have to constantly adjust the levels while looking for specific sound.

        Viewed 2988 By Music Producers.

        • Retro Games WAV
          January 21st, 2019 ⚡
          Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


          Retro Games WAV

          P2P | 21.01.2019 | 921 MB

          Retro Games 8bit designed sound library contains 46 computer beeps and bleeps, 35 different sound effects, 12 explosions, 80 footsteps for different materials, 89 GUI sounds, 21 hits and damage sounds, 22 jumps, 52 score sounds, 226 status and 72 weapons sounds. Every file was created inside Ableton Live 9 Suite with analog, operator, native-instruments massive and effect plugins to process even more. Sounds were designed to match old school 8bit games from consoles like Nintendo NES.

          Viewed 4818 By Music Producers.

          • Props Box WAV
            January 21st, 2019 ⚡
            Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


            Props Box WAV

            P2P | 21.01.2019 | 3.93 GB

            Props Box sound library is a collection of different sounds emitted by everyday objects used in weird ways. It can be a great and handy tool in designing more complex sound effects for games, or just a go to pack to quickly fill the gaps in movies and other linear media. Everything was recorded with high quality equipment, able to capture frequencies well above 20kHz, so it’s a very flexible material when it comes to stretching or pitch shifting. 169 mono files features more than 1000 sound effects, cause each recording contains different variations of the same activity. The total length of the files is 292 minutes, and you can read more about included sounds here. As for the post processing, everything was edited and mastered. Editing came down to removing unwanted sounds between takes, and mastering to removing harsh sounding frequencies, compressing and setting everything on level that is comfortable to work with, so you don’t have to constantly adjust the levels while looking for specific sound.

            Viewed 3191 By Music Producers.

            • Bunkers WAV
              January 21st, 2019 ⚡
              Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


              Bunkers WAV

              P2P | 20.01.2019 | 1.54 GB

              Bunkers sound library features room tones and ambients recorded inside old World War II shelters. 23 files with total length of 57 minutes were recorded with Sony PCM-M10 and Sennheiser MKH 8040 plugged into Sound Devices 702 recorder in ORTF configuration. Ambients were captured in small rooms deep inside bunkers, in hallways, inside old rusty water pipes and outside, between bunkers. It includes room tones with water dripping from ceilings, small pieces of wall falling on the floor and wind getting through destroyed walls. The whole complex is located in Poland and it’s called Wolf’s Lair.

              Viewed 2499 By Music Producers.

              • Cameras WAV
                January 21st, 2019 ⚡
                Categories: Audio Samples, WAV


                Cameras WAV

                P2P | 20.01.2019 | 426 MB

                Cameras sound library features sounds of 20 different cameras. Everything was recorded with Sound Devices 702, Rode NTG3 and Oktava MK012. In this 6 minutes long sound library you will find sounds of different camera shutters, pulling film advance levers, handling noises, self timers, AF mechanisms, pushing buttons and rotating dials. This sound library features camera models from companies like Kodak, Polaroid, Nikon, Olympus, Yashica, Minolta, Fujica, Halina or Pentax.

                Viewed 2084 By Music Producers.

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