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    October 9th, 2022 ⚡
    Categories: Audio Samples, KONTAKT


    Luminoso KONTAKT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 29 December 2012 | 6.3 GB

    LUMINOSO Live Violin Phrases -Performed by Martin and Kate Richardson, two world-class violinists from the Liverpool Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and recorded in Liverpool’s famous Parr Street studios, Luminoso: Live Phrases is a 15GB collection of thousands of live recorded 6-bar looped phrases compressed down to 7GB using Kontakt’s lossless compression technology. Despite recording only two players, the instrument cleverly layers up to 6 different bars in real-time for the effective sound of a 12-piece string section, or if you wish, you can dial it down to the sound of a solo violin..

    Viewed 9138 By Music Producers.

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