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  • Grains WAV-FANTASTiC
    September 15th, 2021 ⚡
    Categories: Audio Samples, WAV

    Grains WAV-FANTASTiC

    Grains WAV-FANTASTiC

    FANTASTiC | 21 June 2021 | 348 MB

    Imagine a sonic landscape that ranges from soft and fragile to granular chaos – This is „GRAINS“. The main idea behind „GRAINS“ was to create something unique, something new, something beyond analogue synthesis. After recording a whole bunch of Synth Leads, Chords and Sequences with tons of analogue gear such as Moog, Korg, Behringer and Modular Eurorack expansions we’ve put the loops inside different granular engines. The result was truly magic. Impressionistic Textures and rhythms seem to create a new dimension. The spatial audio impression is surrounded by the vastness of a cosmos. Download „GRAINS“ today and get your hands on 50 stunning Textures and Atmospheres called Clouds, 40 Sequences and 10 FX Loops. To guarantee the purest Signal chain we are working with high-end outboard gear like our Chandler Limited Rack Mixer, Vovox cables and Universal Audio Interfaces.

    Viewed 8110 By Music Producers.

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