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  • Yamaha CYBER DIVA for Vocaloid4FE
    February 20th, 2015 ⚡


    Yamaha CYBER DIVA for Vocaloid4FE

    AlexVox | 19 February 2015 | 806 MB

    The first VOCALOID exclusive library with an American English female voice. Flexible voice type with clear speech, powerful long tones, and smooth vocalization that can sing any genre of song.
    CYBER DIVA was revealed on the 22nd of January 2015 as an American accent female produced by YAMAHA. She was produced in light of research into common complaints towards past pre-V4 English VOCALOIDs. This included the frustrations that came with the mixed British and American phonetic system the VOCALOID engine used for its English VOCALOIDs. It was also discovered that English VOCALOIDs often did not produce the correct sound to match the phonetic in use and this was caused by accidental construction of the vocal either during the recording process or the vocal development process.

    Viewed 10636 By Music Producers.

    • Yamaha VY1V4 for Vocaloid4FE
      January 3rd, 2015 ⚡


      Yamaha VY1V4 for Vocaloid4FE

      AlexVox | 03 January 2015 | 1 GB

      On November 20th, 2014, VOCALOID4 was officially announced through a livestream and some companies appeared announcing their upcoming updated VOCALOIDs. VY1v4 was one of these upcoming VOCALOIDs for the new engine. Its voicebank was used to showcase the new features and capabilities of the VOCALOID4 engine. It was revealed that VY1v4 also contained four voicebanks: Normal, Power, Natural, and Soft. VOCALOID4 and VY1v4 became available on December 17th, 2014, making it the first vocal to be released for the engine. Shortly prior to VY1v4’s release, the YouTube demo uploads of iNSaNiTY and COSMONAUTS were set to private due to YAMAHA’s request. They were once again made public after VY1v4 released.

      Viewed 6384 By Music Producers.

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