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  • Pitchfork v2.0 VST x86 WiN COOKiE-peace-out
    October 14th, 2023 ⚡
    Categories: De La Mancha, VST, WiNDOWS, x86

    Pitchfork v2.0 VST x86 WiN COOKiE-peace-out

    Pitchfork v2.0 VST WiN

    Team peace-out | 03.14.2009 | 6.51 MB

    Pitchfork is a 3 band pitch shifter / modulator, covering everything from subtle doubling to total pitch destruction. Each band can be shifted in pitch and has its own tempo sync LFO for modulation madness or subtle wandering. You can split the bands into low, mid and high ranges, or leave all 3 as full spectrum bands to double or treble up the original audio.

    Viewed 52362 By Music Producers.

    • De La Mancha Bathtub v1.0 VST x86 WiN-peace-out
      October 14th, 2023 ⚡
      Categories: De La Mancha, VST, WiNDOWS, x86

      De La Mancha Bathtub v1.0 VST x86 WiN-peace-out

      De La Mancha Bathtub WiN

      TEAM peace-out | 03.14.2009 | 9.5 MB

      bathtub is more than just a simple compressor: it does multi-band compression, multi-layer parallel compression, series compression, mid/side compression, Left/Right compression, RMS/Peak detection, side-chaining, look-ahead, limiting & maximizing and has comprehensive metering and clip counting. bathtub is really two flexible and configurable stereo compressors that can be routed to be in series or parallel, can be fed the input signal split into high/low frequencies or full band, and can perform as different styles of compressor, limiter or maximizer to produce a range of flavours and effects. The metering shows you visually what is happening too, so you can see how much compression and gain you are getting.

      Viewed 80807 By Music Producers.

      • De La Mancha Sidearm v1.0 VST x86 WiN
        April 24th, 2022 ⚡
        Categories: De La Mancha, VST, WiNDOWS, x86

        De La Mancha Sidearm v1.0 VST x86 WiN

        Sidearm v1.0 VST x86 WiN

        Team Peace-Out | 03.14.2009 | 9.66 MB

        Sidearm is a flexible compressor with many options to tweak the sidechain signal for very precise control. It can perform downwards, upwards and parallel compression and limiting, in peak or RMS flavours and with lookahead if you want it. But the sidechain control is where sidearm really gets to business. Whether you choose an internal sidechain or an external audio source, you can modify the sidechain audio with a multi-mode, adjustable-slope filter (up to 96 dB/octave) and adjust the mid/side, stereo balance and gain. You can also gate the control signal so it only kicks in above a certain level. This brings a level of control that will allow you to define exactly when the compressor kicks in, by isolating specific frequencies, stereo positions and volume levels in the sidechain. There is even a ‘sidechain listen’ option so you can hear what the compressor hears in the sidechain.

        Viewed 14865 By Music Producers.

        • De La Mancha Subhuman v3.0 VSTi x86 WiN-Peace-Out
          March 16th, 2022 ⚡

          De La Mancha Subhuman v3.0 VSTi x86 WiN-Peace-Out

          Subhuman v3.0 VSTi WiN

          Team peace out | 03.14.2009 | 6.94 MB

          De La Mancha Subhuman VSTi v3.0 is a specialized 2 Osc synth for creating powerful sub bass, either for low down basslines, or sub-bass kick drums and drops. subhuman has been updated to add a pitch envelope, contoured graphical envelopes, note-on sync, waveform display and oscillator phase. It also now has a pure sine oscillator for Osc1, which is generated by real-time math to avoid interpolation and give a pure signal By playing notes several octaves below middle C, subhuman will create a deep sub bass from the pure sine wave generated by Osc1. You can add to this with a different waveform on Osc2, detuned, sync’d and out of phase to get an extra layer of sound. Use the envelopes to shape the volume, pitch and LFO profile, each one has multiple contours for each stage to get just the right effect. The tempo-sync LFO can make the filter wobble or sweep and the overdrive will add some dirt. Drum mode removes the sustain stage of the envelopes to give you a percussive sound on each note, used with the pitch envelope to get that classic drum machine kick

          Viewed 22392 By Music Producers.

          • De La Mancha Impakter VSTi v1.0 COOKiE-peace-out
            February 25th, 2022 ⚡

            De La Mancha Impakter VSTi v1.0 COOKiE-peace-out

            Impakter v1.0 VSTi x86 WiN

            Team peace-out | 03.14.2009 | 9.08 MB

            Impakter is a vintage drum module plugin containing 320 samples of original drum sounds generated on analogue synths and drum machines. It’s simple and fun to use with a few advanced features to give some variation and randomisation on every loop.

            Viewed 11119 By Music Producers.

            • De La Mancha Jellyfish VSTi v1.0 COOKiE-peace-out
              February 25th, 2022 ⚡

              De La Mancha Jellyfish VSTi v1.0 COOKiE-peace-out

              Jellyfish v1.0 VSTi x86 WiN

              Team peace-out | 03.14.2009 | 7.25 MB

              Jellyfish is a 4 oscillator synth with multiple modulation methods between the oscillators and of their various parameters which guarantees plenty of movement in the sound. This is great for evolving pads, wobbly bass, vibrant leads or just plain strangeness. Using addition, subtraction, phase difference, ring modulation or phase distortion, the oscillators can modulate each other to get a wide variety of sounds. 2 tempo-sync LFOs and an ADSR envelope can all modulate this inter-osc modulation, as well as pitch, filter cut-off and each other. A pair of resonant filters and a tempo-sync delay complete the deal.

              Viewed 6014 By Music Producers.

              • De La Mancha Plastique v2.1 VSTi x86 WiN
                February 25th, 2022 ⚡

                de la Mancha Plastique v2.1 VSTi x86 WiN

                Plastique v2.1 VSTi WiN

                P2P |☻ 16 August 2008 |  2.24 MB

                Lo-Fi Synth Based on Casio HT 700

                plastique is a 2 oscillator subtractive synth, using the 31 waveforms from the Casio HT-700 synth and some enhancements to the originals feature set. It does lofi 80s sounds but also so much more, with a configurable filter (up to 16 poles), a pitch envelope for percussion, an arp, tempo sync delay & LFO, chorus and some lofi instability. Some top sound designers have contributed to the presets, so whether it’s chiptune, lofi, trance, hiphop or breakbeat, everyone needs a bit of plastique in their life.

                Viewed 19332 By Music Producers.

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