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  • Voxengo CurveEQ v3.13 WiN-TCD
    December 7th, 2023 ⚡
    Categories: AAX, Voxengo, VST, VST3, WiNDOWS, x64, x64, x86

    Voxengo CurveEQ v3.13 WiN-TCD-MaGeSY

    Voxengo CurveEQ v3.13 WiN

    TCD | 14 May 2023 | 7 MB

    x64: VST3, VST2, AAX | x86: VST2

    CurveEQ is a spline equalizer AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. CurveEQ shows you the actual filter response you are designing by means of a spline (a smooth curvy line) plus it shows the spectrum, so you can readily see what the EQ is doing with the sound. This, in turn, allows you to get the best from your mix and your tracks. CurveEQ perfectly suits the needs of mastering. Additionally, CurveEQ implements spectrum matching technology that allows you to transfer spectrum’s shape of one recording to another. In other words, this allows you to “copy” frequency balance of existing time-proven mixes so that other mixes that are still in the works may have a chance to sound better. This technology also greatly helps in music mastering since it easily lessens any dramatic differences in the area of frequency balance between various tracks.

    Viewed 84421 By Music Producers.

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