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  • Grand Funk Boogie Jams AiFF-AUDIOSTRiKE
    March 12th, 2015 ⚡
    Categories: Audio Samples


    Grand Funk Boogie Jams AiFF

    AUDIOSTRiKE | 11/03/2015 | 561 MB

    All-original collection of drum jams for old school music lovers looking for those memorable grooves from the late 70s and early 80s era. Inside contains various flavors from classic radio hits to dusty rare groove compositions that were recorded with live drums and vintage drum machines for nothing but pure authentic sounds. With 100 extended loops running for an approximate total of 44 minutes playing time, provides plenty of selection throughout each two-track recording to select pattern variations that are generally broken-down by percussions from the core drums. Sound wise: each mix was pre-mastered on a vintage console and processed with SSL analog dynamics along with high-end tape emulators to add a touch of vinyl-like saturation

    Viewed 5442 By Music Producers.

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