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    Logic Pro X 10.0.6 Dark Sundown Theme v1.0

    Alraun | 08 April 2014 | v1.0 | 238 MB


    This is a warm dark Logic theme, preferably for use in a dark environment Hundreds of images and preference list strings have been changed. Many strings are now scripted in sRGBColor instead of GrayColor. F.e. Mixer ChannelStrip has now four sRGBColor zones instead of two GrayColor zones.

    This theme is made with sRGB calibrated monitor.
    (System>Library>ColorSync>Profiles>sRGB Profile).
    Depending on which color profile is running on your Mac, the theme will look different.

    How To:

    • 1) Backup your original frameworks, located in: Logic Pro X.app: (right click)>Contents>Frameworks
    • 2) Replace 3 original framework folders by those from this package
    • 3) Open Logic. Enjoy!
    • 4) Try a different title view, if you want. Therefore replace the image(s) of either 2. or 3. located in: Logic Pro X.app (right click)>Contents>Frameworks>MAResources.framework (right click)>Contents>Resources.

    Logic Pro X 10.0.6 Dark Sundown Theme v1.0


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