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✅ Weave for TANTRA

February 26th, 2018 ⚡
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    Weave for TANTRA

    FANTASTiC | Feb 25 2018 | 1.38 MB

    Weave is a 65 preset expansion pack for Tantra showing its ability to introduce a huge range of movement, rhythmic glitches and complex modulated craziness to any kind of audio. Weave’s patches make use of all of Tantra’s effects and modulators in various combinations from dub delays, vast reverbs, mild enhancement of pad sounds to total destruction of drum loops and everything in between. The patches are named for their intended use – DruM, PAD, EFX (general effect), FLT (flter) etc. but some great effects can be achieved by ‘mis-using’ the patches so go crazy and try everything on everything and see what happens.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/0F1y
    Weave for TANTRA


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