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  • OldSkoolVerb Plus v1.6 WiN-TCD

    OldSkoolVerb Plus v1.6 WiN

    TCD | 30 April 2023 | 6 MB

    x64: VST3, VST2, AAX | x86: VST2

    OldSkoolVerb Plus is an algorithmic reverberation plug-in for professional music production applications. This plug-in is an extended version of freeware OldSkoolVerb plug-in. OldSkoolVerb Plus implements a kind of “classic” stereo reverb algorithm which is technically simple yet optimal. It produces a very clear spatial image that blends well with the mix. OldSkoolVerb Plus offers you a comprehensive set of parameters permitting you to achieve various reverbs ranging from plate reverb to room reverb to hall reverb sound. OldSkoolVerb Plus is suited all kinds of sounds, both percussive, hard-attack sounds like drums and picked guitars, and soft-attack sounds like vocals, piano and pad sounds.

    – Plate reverb
    – Room reverb
    – Hall reverb
    – Stereo reverb

    In comparison to the freeware OldSkoolVerb plug-in, the Plus version features an additional spatialization module which provides additional control over reverb’s spatial image and greatly increases reverb’s density.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/L9U46
    OldSkoolVerb Plus v1.6 WiN-TCD
    ♪ Download ♪


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