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  • Bamboo Stick Ensemble KONTAKT-DYNAMiCS
    August 27th, 2014 ⚡


    Bamboo Stick Ensemble KONTAKT

    Team DYNAMiCS | Apr 2009 | 153.08 MB

    The Bamboo Stick Ensemble is a powerful display of how far you can take a simple musical ingredient like bamboo poles, which provides a powerful clack sounds when they are smashed together and … serves as great tuned based instrument when (mis)treated the right way. Our Bamboo Stick Ensemble was recorded using a variety of 6′ long 2″ diameter Chinese bamboo poles. We were blown by the power of these sticks, since they made sounds we have never remotely encountered before. The impacts are powerful and sharp. They compliment our Tom Ensembles perfectly. The sustains were created by grinding the poles against wet and dry tile. Sometimes shrill, sometimes brassy and always freakin’ creepy. Great for horror and dark, dramatic ethnic scoring.

    Viewed 4933 By Music Producers.

    • Tonehammer Cajongo KONTAKT-SUNiSO
      March 11th, 2014 ⚡


      Tonehammer Cajongo KONTAKT

      Team SUNiSO | 11 Oct 2009 | Size: 872.56 MB

      The history behind the upcoming Tonehammer Cajongo (combination of Cajon and Bongo) is actually one of darkness and despair. The Slaves of West and Central African origin are considered to be the origin of the Cajon drum, which is essentially a wooden box with a thin sheet of wood nailed on as the sixth side acting as the striking surface. The Cajon is a highly featured instrument in Cuban music, which also traditionally contains the bongo. The Bongo was also brought from Africa to Cuba by the slaves and both are often featured in salsa, rumba,changui and other traditional styles.

      Viewed 3497 By Music Producers.

      • Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Barbary KONTAKT
        March 8th, 2014 ⚡


        Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Barbary KONTAKT

        Team AudioP2P | 07-26-2009 | Size: 864.15 MB

        (Includes also Update)

        Barbary Grant is a highly renowned vocalist and harper within Celtic communities. She sings- and articulates fluently- in all three Goidelic languages: Scots Gaelic, Irish, and Manx. This homage won her first place in the sean nós competition at the 1998 Great American Irish Fair. Sean nós – “old style” in Irish – is a highly ornamented style of a cappella singing.

        Viewed 4796 By Music Producers.

        • ToneHammer Forgotten Voices Cait KONTAKT
          March 8th, 2014 ⚡


          ToneHammer Forgotten Voices Cait KONTAKT

          Team AudioP2P | 10-13-2009 | Size: 812.03 MB

          (Includes also Update)

          The library is constructed from over a thousand different vocal phrases covering over 15 hours of recording material. The phrases are divided into a variety of categories varying from some of the oldest songs known to man from the ancient Sanskrit chants to free improvisational phrases. The library has specific patches such as Balkan, Lullaby, Sanskrit Chants, Witch Chants and so forth. In addition some phrases in the library were recorded 2-3 times, which allows for a more broad type of vocal sound by layering the same phrase two or three times.

          Viewed 3972 By Music Producers.

          • ToneHammer Epic Tom Ensemble Proper MULTiFORMAT
            March 8th, 2014 ⚡


            ToneHammer Epic Tom Ensemble Proper

            Team AudioP2P | 10-26-2009 | Size: 470.00 MB

            Formats: KONTAKT, WAV, ESX24, SFZ.

            The Epic Tom Ensemble is a large multi-sample library dedicated to massive ensemble percussion. We captured a variety of power articulations, using a combination of high-tuned 10″ – 14″ toms, roto-toms and octabans, various floor toms, bass drums and custom designed mega-toms. Perfect for raging battle scenes or when you just need a really loud boom. We highly recommend trying it with our Epic Dohl, Small Epic Percussion and Bamboo Stick Ensembles. All extensively recorded by some of the very best percussionists* in the world, in a high-ceiling glass, stone and tile hall specifically designed for sample recording.

            Viewed 4426 By Music Producers.

            • Tonehammer Plucked Grand Piano KONTAKT
              January 24th, 2014 ⚡


              Plucked Grand Piano KONTAKT

              P2P | 17.01.2011 | 2.62 GB

              FORMAT….: KONTAKT

              Welcome to Plucked Grand Piano – a library dedicated to deep sampling of plucked and hammer struck grand piano strings. The Plucked Grand Piano was created by public demand from our users, since its never been properly deep sampled before. We took a world class piano (same as Emotional Piano) through a humiliating process by recording every string with a custom pick, but with more emphasis on round robin (4 pr. string), since the playing style has a percussive quality to it. The instrument is best described as a hybrid crossbreed between a harp, clavinet, guitar/lute and the unforgettable sound of the harpsichord. In addition we added a bonus hammer-struck articulation, using a custom miniature hammer. The sound has some resemblance to a hammered dulcimer. The fancy naming and branding of the piano is irrelevant to us. We want the samples and music to speak for itself and we hope it speaks to you too.

              Viewed 6376 By Music Producers.

              • Tonehammer Small Epic Percussion KONTAKT DVDR-DYNAMiCS
                January 22nd, 2014 ⚡


                Tonehammer Small Epic Percussion KONTAKT

                Team DYNAMiCS | Apr 2010 | 632.13 MB

                Welcome to Small Epic Percussion. A great collection of small orchestral and ethnic percussion instruments intended both to compliment our existing collection of epic drums. We captured the majority of them in the same epic hall and using the same techniques as our Epic Dohl Ensemble, Epic Tom Ensemble, Bamboo Stick Ensemble and other wet libraries, so we think it will mesh well with most of them right out of the box. It also stands alone as a unique toolbox of under-appreciated but often called-for items, like the tambourine and finger cymbals. We not only went out of our way to capture these instruments as deeply as we could muster, but tried as much as possible to discover new ways of thinking about and playing them. You may notice some unorthodox articulations included with some of the instruments, as well as a few strange combinations and mutations.

                Viewed 5953 By Music Producers.

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