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  • Korg Radias Soundbanks RDL
    October 12th, 2016 ⚡
    Categories: KORG, Presets


    Korg Radias Soundbanks RDL

    P2P | 12.10.2016 | .RDL | 2.16 MB

    The Korg Radias is a Virtual Analog synthesizer that was released by Korg in 2006. It takes advantage of the MMT (Multiple Modeling Technology) that their flagship OASYS synthesizer module employs. The synthesizer itself is similar in design to the MS2000, but offers many more capabilities. It is capable of emulating older digital synthesizers and classic analog synthesizers like the MS-series without any noise or aliasing. The Radias also allows for various external sounds to be fed through its filters and envelopes. It also has the Korg DWGS (Digital Waveform Generator System) that the Korg DW-8000 employs.

    Viewed 6602 By Music Producers.

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