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    Whats New in Pro Tools 10 TUTORiAL

    P2P | 2011 | 321 MB

    Pro Tools 10 is chock-full of new features and functions that will dramatically speed up your workflow and production time. Pro Tools guru Michael Costa takes you step-by-step through each new feature and function, in-depth, leaving no stone unturned. Michael covers topics such as the new specs, menu name changes, Clip Based Gain, new export options, new supported file types and bit depths, iTunes & SoundCloud support, Clips Groups and Disk Cache Enhancements. He then goes deeper into all the new AudioSuite features, Bus Interrogation, the new AAX plug-in format, Channel Strip plug-in, visual mixing features and more! If you need to know what’s new in Pro Tools 10, this is the video series for you.

    22 Tutorials / Almost 2 Hours Total Runtime
    For all beginner to advanced Pro Tools 10 users
    Tutorials written by Pro Tools guru Michael Costa
    Simple to use video control interface for Mac & PC
    Watch Online, Download, Stream to iPad, iPhone & iPod

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/38xu
    Whats New in Pro Tools 10 TUTORiAL


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