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    iZ RX 4 New Features TUTORiAL

    TEAM DECiBEL | 19 December 2014 | 445 MB

    This six-part masterclass goes in-depth with the latest and greatest version of iZ’s industry-standard audio repair and restoration software. Over 60 minutes of video tutorials, we’ll show you how to get the most out of RX 4’s powerful new modules, tools and features. You’ll learn how to clean up vocal recordings with the Dialogue Denoiser, before moving on to evening out dynamics with the Leveler. Then, it’s on to EQ and Ambience Match, which we’ll use to impose the frequency curves and background ‘signatures’ of studio-quality recordings onto iPhone-captured ones, dramatically improving them; and Clip Gain, with which precisely targeted, non-destructive volume changes are easily applied. Finally, we’ll walk you through using the RX Connect plugin to export a clip from a DAW to RX 4 for editing and repair.

    INFO: http://redi.se/32xv
    iZ RX 4 New Features TUTORiAL-DECiBEL


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