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    Drums, Baselines, and Melodies

    P2P | 47 Minutes | 934MB

    Trap Music Production

    Trap music is dominating festivals everywhere, and in this new class with DJ/producer duo K Theory, you’ll learn how to build trap beats of your own. From drums and basslines to hooks and melodies, this class provides the structure for professional sounding and subwoofer-rattling tracks.

    You’ll get K Theory’s take on:
    – Templates and Samples – organizing your program for efficient and effective beat making
    – Percussion – understanding go-to drum patterns
    – 808s – designing 808 patterns to make your track boom
    – Hooks and Melodies – creating chord progressions and using synths

    At the end of the class you’ll create an 8-bar loop that will provide the building blocks for full song. In a follow up class K Theory will teach you the art of composition and arrangement. It is recommended that you have a basic understanding of digital music production (any digital audio workstation will suffice) to fully utilize the lessons in this class.

    INFO/DEMO: https://goo.gl/BhQJXL
    Drums, Baselines, and Melodies Trap Music Production


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