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  • Charles Dye Mix it Like a Record Vol.1and 2 TUTORiAL-SPiRiT

    Mix it Like a Record Vol.1 & 2 TUTORiAL

    TEAM SPiRiT | 28 May 2006 | Vol.1: 3.85 GB | Vol.2: 3.00 GB

    “Mix It Like A Record” – is a comprehensive course notes and records consisting of two DVD discs. The course “Mix it Like A Record” winner multiplatinum Grammy, producer, sound engineer and producer Charles Dye tells how to achieve a professional sounding compositions make them sound wit. In this course, you will emphasize both theoretical knowledge for proper representation vision artist songs, finding the right mix of sound, knowledge of the practical application of plugins to stunning sound knowledge of how to create an emotional, memorable, catchy mix of automation, learn how to make a star out of an artist! So, you will have opportunity complete audio-video training course that focuses on the creation of a first-class composition, its arrangement and mixing. This course will be useful as a musician and sound engineer, working with a digital-to-analog data, as well as each interested in the process and art of information.

    “FINALLY! A comprehensive guide to mixing a record. Charles unlocks the mystery behind the usage of compression, EQ, saturation, separation and effects on each instrument, and how they relate to each other with respect to the final mix.

    This DVD is a valuable tool and guide for so many of us that did not attend engineering school, but want to be able to Mix It Like A Record.”

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/BpE0x
    Charles Dye Mix it Like a Record Vol.1and 2 TUTORiAL-SPiRiT
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  1. #1 Magesy® User lc
    15 May 2023 / 23:25

    all links are dead please reupload


  2. #2 Magesy® User MaGeSY®
    24 November 2023 / 0:37

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