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    Yellow Tools Pure Guitars

    P2P | 02.11.2012 | 662 MB

    EXS NKi AiFF

    Yellow Tools Pure Guitars was developed to allow the user a full range of acoustic guitars for use in samplers. This were added the following guitars: Ovation ®, Martin ®, Taylor ®, Lakewood ®, Hopf ® tepid and Hardt and Kobs ®.

    All guitars were not looped, because a live played guitar is also not looped, but naturally fades. This library allows the user an amazingly realistic and dynamic guitar performance. Pure guitars meets all the requirements for any areas of the recorded instruments in which they are played like a live performance.

    Pure guitars interspersed with perfect sound and an incredible new standards of transparency in the field of guitar samples. High-end recording and editing of samples in real 24bit compositions enable the highest level.


    • 3 different nylon guitars
    • 4 different steel string guitars (1 jumbo, 2 dreadnought, 1 ovation)
    • 2 different 12-string guitars
    • 3 different acoustic basses
    • up to 5 velocity splits per note
    • slides, chords (major, minor, sept.), natural harmonics, etc
    • effect volumes (string slaps, body hits, scrapes, squeaks…)
    • original length & not looped!
    • all guitars are optimized for the respective format.

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3e54
    Yellow Tools Pure Guitars EXS NKi AiFF


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