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    Progressive House and Mainroom

    Studio Inspirations WAV MiDi

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX 03 April 2014 | 563 MB

    This pack is full to the brim with essential sounds for any Progressive House & Mainroom producer looking to add some fire into your music productions, inside this piece of ear candy is an array of inspiring and uplifting WAV’s and MIDI files that will add a breath of fresh air to your future tracks. The MIDI files in this pack have been exceptionally created and will give you so many options when working on your next production, the versatility to work with MIDI files gives you the option of using the set melody or you can simply drag and drop the MID into your favorite VST and away you go. As well as a huge and comprehensive list of 8 and 16 bar MIDI loops. We have also included 5 full song construction kit’s, MIDI leads, chords, keys and bass loops. Added to that is a bonus folder with 5 starter kit’s, a collection of quality drum fills, 5 more full drum kit’s, the must have essential studio one shots, special FX including downlifters, impacts, reverses, uplifters, white noise plus 5 FX kit’s.

    INFO: http://redi.se/e46
    Progressive House and Mainroom Studio Inspirations WAV MiDi


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