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  • QuikQuak Crowd Chamber v4.0.0 AAX VST VST3 WiN x64 CE-V.R
    September 7th, 2018 ⚡
    Categories: AAX, QuikQuak VST, VST, VST3, WiNDOWS, x64


    Crowd Chamber v4.0.0 WiN

    TEAM V.R | 06 September 2018 | 3.92 MB

    (Win64; AAX*, VST3, VST)

    Crowd Chamber is an audio plug-in that layers multiple variations of a signal to create a crowd simulation. From simple chorusing effects, small crowds and stadiums, on to impossible situations and effects. When each voice is mixed, it is altered in varying time and spectral content, making unique versions of itself to create the illusion of different sources. With the additional spread function it can stretch out a single voice, which gives additional depth and complexity to the result. Once the concept had been created it became clear that Crowd Chamber could create far more than simple crowd scenes. Because of the feedback, wave cancellations, and simply the thousands of layers make it the perfect tool for creating strange and twisted effects. Crowd Chamber also follows QuikQuak’s other plug-ins with a visual, hands on approach. There is also a fast randomisation feature for rapid crowd creation.

    Viewed 6507 By Music Producers.

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