November 18th, 2014 ⚡
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    Remix v1.1 VST STANDALONE WiN

    Deactivated | 2014.17.11 | 316 MB

    Remix produce Music using Your loop samples libraries! 7 loop players with automatic sample time stretch to the song speed. Generate a complete new track, just randomizing and loading in realtime new loops for each Loop Player.. save the loops to .wav files or play them live via your preferred DAW or VST host. Remix is a VST instrument and standalone application. It is a Live remixing console featuring seven loop players with automatic sample time stretch to the song speed. Each loop player has its own file browser with Live loop files loading randomization feature. The instrument is capable to generate itself a complete new track, just randomizing and loading in realtime new loops for each Loop Player. All can be done in realtime while playing and the instrument can be controlled by an external MIDI controller to be played in Live situations. The template for Lemur controller (iPad) is included in the package.

    Feature highlights:
    Automatic time stretch to the song speed.
    Recognize and play loops from 4 to 64 beats automatically.
    The Loop Players are named exactly as the common producer pack folder structure: Beat Loop, Top Loop, Bass Loop, Perc Loop, Music Loop, Vocal Loop, Ambience.
    Each Loop Player has its own file browser and its own loop samples folder.
    The instrument is capable of generating new songs with click, just randomizing and loading in realtime new loops for each Loop Player.
    Play/Stop and Solo buttons triggered on the first beat.
    Full MIDI In/Out and Full MIDI CC implementation.
    Save project with song.
    Load/Save project from disk within the internal projects browser.
    Save to .wav file.

    Remix v1.1 VST STANDALONE WiN



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