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    The Distortion Plugins Logic Pro X

    FANTASTiC | 18 November 2018 | 325 MB

    Logic Pro X has a bunch of distortion plugins and it’s hard to know, at first glance, just what flavor of distortion they actually produce. No worries, Joe Albano is here to explain them all in this in-depth course! So what kind of distortion are you looking for? Clip? Overdrive? Saturation? Leslie? Bipolar? Transistor, FET, Fuzz, Bit Crushed, Phase? Do you really know what each of Logic’s distortion plugins produces? Well, you certainly will after watching this course by legendary Logic Pro expert, Joe Albano. Joe starts this course by defining the different types of distortion and what they do best! You learn the difference between distortion, saturation and clip. You see what each of Logic’s distortion plugins can do. No matter what kind of distortion you’re interested in, Joe takes you down Logic’s distortion rabbit hole and reveals just what each plugin does and how to best use it to create your tracks,

    He also dives into Logic’s Amps and Pedalboard which opens up a whole distorted world of sonic possibilities. So sit back and become a Logic Pro X distortion maestro with our in-house Logic expert, Joe Albano!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/Mmex
    The Distortion Plugins Logic Pro X TUTORiAL


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