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    Future Bass Project File ALP FXP

    SYNTHiC4TE | April 23 2017 | 102 MB

    Synthesis & sound design expert by day, double 00 secret agent by night flexes the full power of his cutting-edge synthesis and sound design techniques to bring you Future Bass Project File. Selecting and sculpting from an arsenal of fresh and diverse techniques, the Future Bass Project File is guaranteed to offer new ways to synthesize sounds for your own music! Most project files contain audio files from sample packs and you don’t get to see how anything is made. The Future Bass Project File reveals the full sound design process, showing you everything from initial synthesis through the entire, extensive chains of effects for all the main sounds. This is infinitely more valuable because it allows you to see the real process used by actual professional sound designers and learn from it.

    INFO/DEMO: http://bit.ly/2oDo7pf
    Future Bass Project File ALP FXP-SYNTHiC4TE


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