Drums on Demand Vol.12 24 BiT WAV ACiD
Team DYNAMiCS | July 2010 | 1.43 GB
DOD Vol. 12. Filled with 1.8 gigs of pure songwritng inspiration, Contemporary Country features 1800 drum loops and hits in 24 super deep Song Sets® — our deepest volume ever! You’ll find everything from classic ballads, to train grooves (paddle balls), to shuffles, as well popular four-on-the floors. Plus, there are lots of crossover grooves; pop/rock style grooves so prevalent on today’s country charts. With radio-friendly grooves and sounds, Contemporary Country offers the depth of loops only our Studio Series can provide.
• No brushes on this volume (we are saving these for a future, all-brushes volume)
• 1800 loops and single hits in 24 super-deep Song Sets®
• Ideal for country radio and crossover pop/rock
• 11 different snares, plenty of side-stick too
• 250+ megs of multi-velocity snare and single hits
• Extensive Loop Layers
• Tempos ranging from 60-145 BPM
• High-end 44.1K mix
• Royalty-free
• Patented organization systemINFO: http://redi.se/jbu
Drums on Demand Vol.12 24 BiT WAV ACiD DVDR-DYNAMiCS
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