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    Essential Gear Needed to Make Beats

    FANTASTiC | 29 July 2018 | 2.41 GB

    Learn the Essential Gear Needed to Make Beats. I hope you found this course before you started to buy any music production gear. Over my years of producing music, I’ve made some poor and good purchasing choices. In this course I want to relay my knowledge onto you in regards to buying high quality gear, saving money, and choosing the products that suit you and your workflow. As a bonus, I also included extra videos where I share gear and tools that are nice to have to either improve your workflow or make your sessions more comfortable.

    We discuss all the essential gear for the home studio including:
    •MIDI Keyboard
    •Audio Interface
    •Audio Cables

    Thinks you’ll learn:
    •Understand Audio Gear so you can Save Money and Get the Right Gear that Suits you
    •Save Money by Being Aware and Avoiding Industry Marketing Tactics
    •How to Set Up a Home Studio with the Gear That Suits You and Your Workflow
    •What to Look For in a MIDI Keyboard, Audio Interface, Speakers, and Microphones
    •Bonus Studio Tools which Make for a Comfortable and Efficient Work Environment

    Project Description:
    Try to figure out the exact gear you’ll need to keep your set up minimal, save you money, but not hold you back in terms of your creativeness. Over your years, you will start to find your workflow, and buying gear becomes even easier. But for the time being, as hard as it is, try to plan a little bit into the future and think to yourself if you’d need to pay more for certain equipment which will provide convenience later on. (More inputs/outputs on your audio interface, or better feeling keys on your MIDI Keyboard for example.)

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/7U15
    Essential Gear Needed to Make Beats TUTORiAL


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